SEMOpx Monthly Report for July 2023

Affected Period



Run type

18/08/2023 16:56

Last Updated
18/08/2023 16:57

Dear Member,

The SEMOpx July Monthly Report is now available and can be found here

Here are the market insights & trends:

  • Average DAM prices have decreased by 64.01% in July 2023 compared to July 2022.
  • Total Traded Value for July 2023 has decreased by 59.75% compared to July of last year.
  • The Total Traded Volumes has increased by 3.99% compared to June 2023.

Note: Please note that the report this month does not include IDC figures. On July 14th, the format of both Order and Trade IDC files being provided by EPEX have been considerable altered. As a result, the SEMOpx team has decided to not include these figures until we have confirmed the consistency of the figures in both the files provided and our own applications parsing of these figures. The IDC figures will be included in the Monthly Market report moving forward from August 2023.

Kind regards,

SEMOpx Team