API Server Certificate Change
Affected Period
Run Type
Last Updated
Dear Members,
This email contains important information in relation to upcoming changes that will potentially impact your ETS API connection, by preventing you from connecting to our API servers.
On Tuesday 11 August 2020 during the monthly maintenance of the ETS system (Day Ahead Market) we are changing the certificate of the following 6 API servers:
As your API application is connected in one of the above mentioned servers, and in order to make sure that your API access will not be impacted, we kindly ask you to forward this message to your IT department and follow the below instructions:
The API SSL certificate for API servers < ets.svpx.api1.epexspot.com > , < ets.svpx.api2.epexspot.com > , < ets.svpx.api3.epexspot.com > , < ets.svpx.api4.epexspot.com > , < ets.svpx.api5.epexspot.com >, < ets.svpx.api6.epexspot.com > (signed by CA TBS X509 CA business 2) will expire on <09-09-2020> and will be replaced during the monthly ETS maintenance outage on Tuesday 11 August 2020.
The current API SSL certificate will be replaced by a new certificate signed by “GlobalSign RSA OV SSL CA 2018”.
Please ensure that you add (if not already done) the root certificate of “GlobalSign RSA OV SSL CA 2018” as a trusted root CA. The root certificate of the above GlobalSign root CA can be found here:
We kindly ask you to perform this change before the monthly maintenance on the 11th August to ensure that your connection will remain unaffected.
In the case that you have questions or further assistance is required please do not hesitate to contact us.
We kindly ask you to confirm to us via email when you have taken the respective actions required.