Fuel Mix Disclosure differentiates Suppliers, enabling the consumer to choose the Supplier that best fits their environmental expectations.
Electricity Suppliers Fuel Mix Disclosure
Electricity Suppliers Fuel Mix Disclosure is provided by Article 3 (9) of Directive 2009/72/EC for the Internal Energy Market (which replaced Article 3(6) of Directive 2003/54/EC). The relevant provisions give the consumer the right to know the fuel from which the purchased electricity is produced.
This was transposed into national legislation in Ireland by Regulation 25 of Statutory Instrument No. 60 of 2005 requiring the Commission for the Regulation of Utilities to ensure Suppliers provided reliable Fuel Mix information to consumers. A New Statutory Instrument, No. 350 of 2022, was introduced in July 2022 which now supersedes Statutory Instrument No. 60 of 2005. It was transposed into Northern Irish legislation under Article 14 of the Gas and Electricity (Internal Markets) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2011.
This inserts Article 11A(9)(c) of the Electricity (NI) Order 1992 under which electricity licences, issued by the UR, shall include conditions to ensure that consumers of electricity have access to the information required by Article 3(9) of the Directive.
SEMO and Fuel Mix Disclosure
SEMO was nominated to perform the Fuel Mix Disclosure calculation for Ireland and Northern Ireland on behalf of the Commission for the Regulation (CRU) and the Utility Regulator (NIAUR) in Decision Paper SEM/11/095.
SEMO completes the Fuel Mix Disclosure calculation on an annual basis for the previous calendar year. SEMO calculate the:
- All Island Fuel Mix
- Individual Supplier Mixes, and Emissions Factors
Declarations by suppliers
Suppliers, in both Ireland and Northern Ireland, are required to make declarations of generation they wish to claim on annual basis. If a company holds multiple licenses, a submission should be made for each license.
Suppliers with licenses in Ireland and Northern Ireland can choose when submitting their Declaration if they wish the Fuel Mix to be calculated on an All-Island basis. Suppliers that do not have retail customers are not required to complete this process. Declarations can include Guarantees of Origin (including imports), REGOs*, Public Service Obligation (PSO) Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) contracts and Generator Attributes*.
Supplier Declaration form must be submitted to SEMO by the 31st of March each year for disclosure for the previous calendar year. View the guide to completing the Supplier Declaration. Suppliers are obliged to respond to any queries SEMO may have in relation to verifying their claims. Suppliers that do not submit a declaration by this date will have the Residual Mix applied to their demand, and are obliged to provide this information to their customers.
View more detail on the Annual Fuel Mix Disclosure process.
Fuel Mix Disclosure timeline
Each year the Fuel Mix Disclosure timeline is approved by the Regulatory Authorities and published by SEMO.
Suppliers can query the indicative Annual Fuel Mix Disclosure values within 7 days of notification. Any adjustments to the Annual Fuel Mix Disclosure calculation as a result of Supplier queries will be reflected in the final Annual Fuel Mix Disclosure values.
The Fuel Mix Disclosure 2022 Timetable (2023 Calendar year) can be found here.
View the Balancing MarketPublishing by suppliers
Suppliers are obliged to publish their Fuel Mix Disclosure and related environmental information on the consumer electricity bills and applicable advertising material, alongside the All-Island (Ireland and Northern Ireland) Fuel Mix for comparison. The Commission for the Regulation of Utilities and Utility Regulator ensure that suppliers provide this information; within two months of publication of the annual Fuel Mix Disclosure report on the CRU, Utility Regulator, and SEM Committee website.
On a quarterly basis, SEMO calculate a Rolling Fuel Mix to provide Suppliers with an indication of their position throughout the year in order to help with decision making. Rolling Fuel Mix is based on best available data at the time; as such these figures should be treated as indicative only. Rolling Fuel Mixes should not be published by Suppliers.
If you are completing a Supplier Declaration for the first time and have any queries, please contact us.
Generator Attributes
To enable Suppliers to claim Generator Attributes they must first submit a Generator Attributes Registration form. This is applicable for any generators that are not in receipt of GOs, or any form of support.
SEMO will process the Generator Attribute registration and facilitate the transfer of attributes to the nominated Supplier during the Fuel Mix Disclosure calculation. If a supplier does not claim one or all of its generators, the electricity from that generator will be added to the Residual Mix.
*REGOs are Guarantees of Origin issued in the United Kingdom including Northern Ireland. In order to claim REGOs in Fuel Mix Disclosure, they must be ‘retired’ in the Ofgem REGO registry. The retirement of REGOs is subject to Ofgem terms and conditions. Only retired REGOs can be used in Fuel Mix Disclosure. Following retirement in the Ofgem registry, as of 01/01/2021, REGOs can only be claimed directly by Northern Irish Suppliers.