EBGL - Article 18 Local Terms and Conditions Proposal Consultation - Customer Notification
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Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195, establishing a guideline on electricity balancing (EBGL), entered into force on 18th December 2017. Under Article 64, Ireland and Northern Ireland had a derogation on aspects of this Guideline other than those related to participation in development of terms and conditions or methodologies, until 31st December 2019.
Article 18 of EBGL outlines a requirement for TSOs to develop a proposal for terms and conditions for balancing service providers, balance responsible parties, and central dispatch model specific conditions. Article 5 of EBGL outlines a requirement for a proposal for these terms and conditions to be approved by the relevant Regulatory Authority (RA). Article 10 outlines a requirement for TSOs to carry out a public consultation on the proposal for local terms and conditions for at least one month, and for justification for including or not including the feedback from stakeholders to be included in the submission to the RA.
EirGrid and SONI have today published for consultation the proposal for terms and conditions under Article 18 of EBGL. The document being consulted on is linked on the EirGrid website here and on the SONI website here. This consultation runs from 21/08/2020 to 5pm close of business on 21/09/2020. Please email your submission to Martin.Kerin@EirGrid.com or Christopher.Goodman@soni.ltd.uk with the subject title “EBGL – Article 18 Local Terms and Conditions Proposal Consultation”. Please indicate within your submission if you wish for it to be treated confidentially.