ETS Release - Version 3.4.2
Affected Period
Run Type
Last Updated
Dear Member,
SEMOpx has an updated version of the SOBT process which can be found here.
As of 3rd June 2020 (1st trading day) the Submission on Behalf process will be updated. The bidding form won’t be sent anymore by email but will be made available in the SOBT interface. Information on the detailed changes to the process for this are available in the published document.
Please do note with regard to the password reset functionality being implemented. SEMOpx registration have begun contacting Authorised Contacts for each user login directly, in order to confirm which email address should be specified for use when requesting password resets for a given login.
Update: 19/05/20
Dear Members,
Further to our communication on the new version of ETS (v3.4.2) due to go-live on 30th June 2020 (first trading day).
SEMOpx have published information notes for ETS release v 3.4.2 (click here) and supporting information required for the new client (click here) and API information (click here).
The Simulation Environment 2 will be available for trialing of the new version of ETS 3.4.2.
Trial dates are the 11/06/2020 and 18/06/2020 with SIMU 2 details available in the notes linked above.
Unfortunately a decision was necessary to exclude an operational go-live of the 30 minute Complex Orders from the 30th June 2020 release. While we appreciate this decision may be frustrating to some members, ensuring the continued stable operation of the auction processes is paramount. The latest risk assessment indicated that the combination of operational releases for complex orders and other release functionality was too great.
This will mean that the simulations will not include a trialing of the 30 minute Complex Orders, and the ETS release on the 30th June will be a technical go-live of the 30 min Complex Order functionality only. The 30 minute Complex Orders will not be operational and will not be available for use in ETS until a later date.
We are working to reschedule simulations for 30 minute Complex Orders and a new operational go-live date for the 30 minute Complex Orders.
For clarity ETS 3.4.2 will have all the functionality included for 30 minute Complex Orders but it will not be used until we have further resolution on the rescheduled simulation dates and 30 minute Complex Order operational go-live.
We apologise for this inconvenience and a further update will be provided on this Thursday’s Participant call.
Best regards,
Original Message: 12/05/20
SEMOpx would like to advise members that the new version of ETS (v3.4.2) will go live on 30th June 2020 (first trading day).
ETS v3.4.2 includes updates for several items as noted below;
- Retrieve trading limits from API (New Request type on API)
- API - ETS Auction max cancellation time (New Request type on API)
- Changing the certificate handling in ETS (Enhancement on API)
- Password reset (Members will be able to password reset themselves)
- 30 minute Complex orders Functional changes (SEMOpx additional product offering)
SEMOpx will publish a detailed information notice to members on 19th May 2020 and make the SIMU 2 environment available to test new functionality and APIs.
There will be an exception with the deployment of the upgradable client. Unlike the previous Go Lives, the current version of the upgradable client will not upgrade automatically.
All members will have to install the new ETS v3.4.2 client as a fix or upgradable version.
For the password reset functionality we require members to have updated email addresses associated with each login. Further details will be communicated on the 19th May on the process for this.
Should you have any questions about this communication please contact us.