Future Power Market Industry Workshop - Wednesday, 11th of September 2024

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Dear Market Participant,

We are continuing the Future Power Market Industry Workshops where we will provide an updated status of the Future Power Market programmes, discuss the functional, regulatory, and technical aspects of the programmes delivery.

The next workshop will be conducted on Wednesday, 11th of September 2024 onsite at The Gateway Hotel, Dundalk, Co. Louth and via MS Teams. The meeting will commence at 10:30 and end at approximately 15:15 (including a break for lunch).   

We would kindly ask that you confirm your attendance here by 5pm, Monday, 9th of September 2024. 

Also, ahead of the workshop, if there are any other particular topics you would like covered or areas you have additional questions on, please feel to reach out to FuturePowerMarkets@Eirgrid.com or futurepowermarketsNI@soni.ltd.uk and we will look to cover these at the workshop.

Kind regards,