Future Power Market Industry Workshop - Wednesday 16th of October 2024
Affected Period
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Last Updated
Dear Market Participant,
We are continuing the Future Power Market Industry Workshops where we will provide an updated status of the Future Power Market programmes, discuss the functional, regulatory, and technical aspects of the programme delivery.
The next workshop will be conducted on Wednesday, 16th of October 2024 virtually via MS Teams. The meeting will commence at 10:00 and end at approximately 14:15 (including break for lunch).
Provisional agenda for the workshop is as follows:
- Programme status update from Future Arrangement System Services (FASS)
- FASS - 1hr 30min workshop on the DASSA Volume Forecasting Methodology consultation paper: The TSOs will facilitate a consultation information session, discussing the key proposals outlined in the paper
- Programme status update from Energy Markets Policy
- Programme status update from Long Duration Energy Storage
- Programme status update from Scheduling & Dispatch
- Lunch Break
- SMP - 40 mins overview of the proposed high-level design for the integration dispatchable demand into the SEM balancing market (i.e. dispatch up of consumption).
We would kindly ask that you confirm your attendance here by 5pm, Monday the 14th of October. Confirmation and MS Teams meeting details will be circulated after the registration has closed.
Also, ahead of the workshop, if there are any other particular topics you would like covered or areas you have additional questions on, please feel to reach out to FuturePowerMarkets@Eirgrid.com or futurepowermarketsNI@soni.ltd.uk and we will look to cover these at the workshop.
Kind regards,