Imbalance Pricing

Affected Period



Run Type
Imbalance Pricing


Last Updated

Update 06/09/2019

Dear Market Participants,

Further to the Market Message issued on 4th September 2019, we can confirm that a fix was deployed to the Balancing Market system yesterday afternoon. This deployment has resolved the issue and Imbalance Pricing has been performing as expected from 15:30 5th September 2019.

Kind regards,

SEMO Trading Operations

Update 04/09/2019

Dear Market Participants,

Further to the Market Message issued on 30th August 2019, there remains an issue impacting Imbalance Pricing, resulting in the Backup Price being utilised from time to time, particularly at times of high wind.

We are aware that Backup Prices have been published today intermittently. We continue to investigate the issue and will discuss further during our 09:30 Participant Call tomorrow morning.

Kind regards,

SEMO Trading Operations

Original Message 30/08/2019

Dear Market Participants,


Further to the Balancing Market outage today, there remains an issue impacting Imbalance Pricing, resulting in the Backup Price being utilised  from time to time, particularly at times of high wind.


We continue to investigate the issue and will advise of a solution as soon as possible.


With regards to reporting, SEMO reporting is now publishing to the website, albeit with a delay of approximately 90 minutes. We continue to investigate this issue also.


Updates will be provided as soon as new information becomes available.


Kind regards,

SEMO Trading Operations