Imbalance Pricing Incorrect Dispatch Instruction Processing
Affected Period
15/09/2019 - 16/09/2019
Run Type
Imbalance Pricing
Last Updated
Update 16/09/2019 15:45
Dear Market Participant
Please be advised that this issue has been corrected and the unit is no longer incorrectly appearing in Pricing. We will provide an update on the Market Participant call on 19/09/2019 about this issue.
Kind regards,
SEMO Trading Operations
Original Message 16/09/2019
Dear Market Participant
Please be advised we are experiencing an issue with a Failure Sync Instruction for Unit C30 that has not been correctly processed. Several attempts have been made to correct the Dispatch Instructions to bring the Unit off in Pricing. We are working with our vendors to resolve.
Imbalance Pricing will show an additional 20 MW/h approximately that would not otherwise be present in the NIV as a result of this issue (meaning the market is Longer than presently reporting).
We will keep you updated on this issue and will provide a market message when it is resolved.
Kind regards,
SEMO Trading Operations