Imbalance Pricing Maintenance Outage
Affected Period
Run Type
Imbalance Pricing
Last Updated
Update 23/07/2019
Dear Market Participants,
Please be reminded that there will be an outage to the Balancing Market on Wednesday 24th July from 19:00 until 21:00.
A further notice will be issued to Market Participants ahead of the outage.
Kind regards,
SEMO Market Operations
Original Message 19/07/2019
Dear Market Participants,
Please be advised that there will be an outage to the Balancing Market on Wednesday 24th July from 19:00 until 21:00.
During this maintenance Imbalance Pricing will be impacted. The ex-ante back up price will be used during the outage period.
A further notice will be issued to Market Participants ahead of the outage.
Kind regards,
SEMO Market Operations