Imbalance Pricing Outage
Affected Period
Run Type
Imbalance Pricing
Last Updated
Updated Message 18/09/2020 @16:30
Dear Market Participant,
Please be advised that the issue which impacted the Imbalance Price is now complete and service has been restored to normal.
We apologise for any inconvenience.
Kind Regards,
Trading Operations
Updated Message 18/09/2020 @15:55
Dear Market Participant,
Please be advised that there will be an issue with the publication of the Imbalance Price.
During this outage both the 5 minute and 30 minute Imbalance Price may not be available on the Market Participant Interface (MPI) and at the normal location for the web reports. During the outage, Market Participants are to use the Day Ahead Market Back Up Price which is available via the SEMO Website. Please note that this Imbalance Price will be used in settlement.
A further notice will be issued to Market Participants when the Imbalance Price has been restored.
Kind Regards,
Trading Operations
Updated Message 18/09/2020 @ 13:55
Please be advised that the outage is now complete and Imbalance Pricing has been restored.
Kind regards,
SEMO Trading Operations
Updated Message 18/09/2020 @ 13:30
Please be advised that the outage is still ongoing.
A further communication will be issued when the outage is complete.
Kind regards,
SEMO Trading Operations
Original Message
Dear Participants,
There will be an emergency outage to Imbalance Pricing today, Friday 18th September 2020, at 13:00. This outage is to facilitate essential maintenance and will last approximately 30 minutes.
The Market Back Up Price will be used during the outage.
Kind regards,
SEMO Trading Operations