Incorrect Backup Imbalance Prices In Settlement

Affected Period
25th & 26th March 2020



Run Type


Last Updated

On March 25th 2020, three backup prices were used for the settlement periods of 11:30 – 12:30. Unfortunately due to an operational error, the backup prices provided to the settlements team were not the correct prices and therefore incorrect prices were used in settlement. The correct prices should have been €42.94, €42.90 and €43.33 respectively. However, the incorrect prices of €43.55, €43.55 and €44.00 were used instead.


On March 26th 2020 settlement Day, eight backup prices were applied within settlement calculations. Unfortunately due to an operational error, one of these prices was manually entered incorrectly into the settlement system. This has affected Trading Period ending 09:30 only. The correct price should have been €37.70, however a price of €37 was entered.


This prices have been corrected in our settlement system and this issue will be resolved with the next timetabled re-settlement run. Additional checks have also been introduced by both the trading & settlement teams to improve the quality and accuracy of the above operational tasks. These issues are not impacted by any re-pricing activity as back-up prices remain firm for re-pricing and therefore will not change.


In their role as Market Operator and under section G.3.2.2 of the Trading and Settlement Code, SEMO have raised a settlement query for these issues.


We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused you.