Subject Category Run Type Affected Period Created Modified Status
REMIT Update European Transparency 11/12/2018 11/12/2018 10:45 11/12/2018 10:48 Open
REMIT Update European Transparency 11/12/2018 11/12/2018 10:24 11/12/2018 10:24 Open
No I-SEM Morning Participant Call 11th December Customer Service N/A 11/12/2018 09:36 11/12/2018 09:37 Closed
Indicative Settlement Settlements Indicative (Settlement) 09/12/2018 10/12/2018 16:39 10/12/2018 18:34 Closed
The Settlement Calendar has been updated Settlements N/A 21/12/2018 - 11/01/2019 10/12/2018 18:08 10/12/2018 18:08 Closed
Capacity Market - Interim Secondary Trade Notification Capacity N/A 10/12/2018 14:14 10/12/2018 14:15 Closed
REMIT Update European Transparency N/A 10/12/2018 10/12/2018 10:09 10/12/2018 10:09 Open
MPI Brief Outage IT N/A 7 December 2018 07/12/2018 14:52 07/12/2018 15:15 Closed
Known Issues Report Customer Service N/A 07/12/2018 13:28 07/12/2018 13:35 Closed
Updated banking details for Market Operator invoices Funds Transfer N/A N/A 07/12/2018 13:13 07/12/2018 13:31 Closed
Settlement Documents and Invoices have now been published Invoicing Initial (Settlement) 25/11/2018 - 01/12/2018 & 01/11/2018 - 30/11/2018 07/12/2018 11:59 07/12/2018 12:01 Closed
REMIT Update European Transparency N/A 06/12/2018 06/12/2018 16:03 06/12/2018 16:07 Open
REMIT Update European Transparency 06/12/2018 06/12/2018 13:06 06/12/2018 14:36 Open
REMIT Update European Transparency N/A 06/12/2018 06/12/2018 10:42 06/12/2018 10:42 Open
SEMOpx Settlement Fee File SEMOpx N/A November 2018 06/12/2018 08:31 06/12/2018 08:32 Closed
REMIT Update European Transparency N/A 5/12/2018 05/12/2018 16:41 05/12/2018 16:53 Open
REMIT Update European Transparency N/A 05/12/2018 05/12/2018 15:05 05/12/2018 15:05 Open
REMIT Update European Transparency N/A 05/12/2018 05/12/2018 14:25 05/12/2018 14:25 Open
System Issues with Balancing Market Balancing N/A 05/12/2018 06:37 05/12/2018 11:18 Closed
Update* System Issues with Balancing Market Balancing N/A 05-12-2018 05/12/2018 11:15 05/12/2018 11:16 Closed