M+13 Statements
Affected Period
20/01/2019 - 26/01/2019
Run Type
M13 (Settlement)
Last Updated
Updated message 23/04/2020;
Dear Market Participants,
As updated on the market participant call on Thursday 17th, KIR (Known Issue Report) 163,430, M13 ACTA data (Actual availability data), was resolved for SONI MDP.
Since then, SONI MDP have reported experiencing further technical issues with providing the full M13 resettlement data set to SEMO Settlements (week 3, 2019 being the issue week).
SEMO Settlements await further updates and timelines from SONI MDP on the above data issue, M+13 Statements and Reports for Settlement Dates 20/01/2019 - 26/01/2019 continue to be delayed until this data is available to Settlements.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this delay, SEMO Settlements will advise on the expected timelines for M13 resettlement of the above week once we have received same from SONI MDP.
The Settlement Calendar will be updated and published to reflect the above changes.
Kind regards,
SEMO Settlements
Original Message 20/04/2020;
Please be advised we will not be issuing M+13 Statements and Reports today for Settlement Dates 20/01/2019 - 26/01/2019 and these are now scheduled to be included with Settlement Documents due to be published on the 24th April.
The Settlement Calendar has been updated and published to reflect the above changes.