(MN1) Notification of Manifest Error

Affected Period



Run Type


Last Updated

Dear Participant,

The Market Operator has identified a manifest error in the calculation of the Imbalance Settlement Price.

Mod_01_20 – Incorrect Calculation of PMEA

Mod_01_20 changed the calculation of the Price Marginal Energy Action (PMEA) in the scenario where there are no Bid Offer Prices in the direction of the Net Imbalance Volume (NIV), where the Imbalance Price Flag is equal to ‘1’.

Where there are unflagged actions on both sides of the pricing stack, PMEA should be set by the maximum price (positive NIV) or minimum price (negative NIV) of all actions where the Imbalance Price Flag is equal to ‘1’. Imbalance Pricing is, incorrectly, setting PMEA as the maximum price or minimum price in the same direction as the NIV, only.

Further details on the setting of PMEA can be found in the Trading and Settlement Code, under section E.3.4.2.

The below Imbalance Settlement Periods have been identified as being impacted by this issue.

Trading Day

Imbalance Settlement Periods

Manifest Error


08:00 to 08:30

09:30 to 10:00



01:00 to 01:30

06:30 to 07:30



These dates have been included in the Balancing Market Repricing Calendar.

Kind regards,

SEMO Trading Operations