MSDP Consultation 2023-2025
Affected Period
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Last Updated
Dear Market Participant,
SONI and EirGrid, in their respective capacity as licenced Market Operator in Northern Ireland and Ireland respectively (together the Single Electricity Market Operator ‘SEMO’), are required to produce a Market System Development Plan (MSDP) for approval by the Utility Regulator (UR) and the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) for the development of the Single Electricity Market (SEM) Trading and Settlement System. This plan is produced in accordance with Condition 16 of the SONI SEM Operator Licence and in accordance with Condition 4 of the EirGrid Market Operator License.
SEMO have today published for consultation the Market Systems Development Plan covering calendar years 2024 and 2025. The document being consulted on is linked on the SEMO website here.
Comments on Section 2 and 3 of the MSDP are invited from interested parties. If confidentiality is required, this should be made explicitly clear in the response, otherwise submissions will be published on the SEMO website. Please note that, in any event, all responses will be provided to the Regulatory Authorities (RAs).
In particular, for items presented in the Known Issues report section, please provide feedback on the necessity to provide system-based resolutions, and if required, a priority order for items not already committed to in a specific market release. For the Future Market Project section please provide feedback on the priority of projects given the regulatory, legislative and policy obligations and preferences raised, and your scoring for projects in the future market project matrix. Both the Known Issues and future market projects should be considered holistically for prioritisation.
SEMO will consider all feedback and make recommendations to the RAs based on the responses received, as part of this consultation.
Consultation responses should be submitted to by close of business on 16th February 2024.
Kind regards,