Publication of a Report on the Imbalance Pricing Calculations for January 24th 2019

Affected Period


Customer Service

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Last Updated

Dear Market Participant,

SEMO has today published a report on the imbalance pricing calculations for January 24th 2019 available here.


This report has been compiled by the MO and TSOs and, as outlined on the conference call of January 24th, covers the events on the day, from the ex-ante market results, system operations and how these actions feed into the imbalance pricing calculation. This also includes a detailed review of the application of flags and tags in the pricing process. EirGrid, SONI and SEMO are committed to further engagement with the Regulatory Authorities and wider industry on the issues that have arisen.


We are extending the MOUG on the 27th of February to provide an opportunity to discuss this report and if Participants have any specific questions we would welcome their submission in advance to


Thanks & Regards,

SEMO Market Operations