Registration and Qualification Application forms for the 2024/2025 T-4 Capacity Auction
Affected Period
Run Type
Last Updated
Dear Market Participants,
Capacity Market Registration and Qualification Forms:
The System Operators have made amendments to the Registration and Qualification Application forms for the 2024/2025 T-4 Capacity Auction.
The forms can be accessed via the below links.
Please complete the forms relevant to your application and return no later than 1st July.
Party and Unit Registration - C01, C02, C11
Form of Authority – C14
Qualification Data Guide (read me) – C31, C32
Qualification Data (Individual Candidate Unit) – C31, C32a
Qualification Data (Combined Candidate Unit) – C31, C32b
Qualification Data (Aggregated Generator Unit) – C31, C32c
Qualification Data (Autoproducer Unit) – C31, C32d
Please also note that a Q&A session on the 24/25 T-4 Capacity Auction is being held on Monday 22nd June from 12pm to 1pm.
If you have any questions on the above or should you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Kind regards,
Capacity Market Front Office Team
P: 1800 726772 (ROI) or 0800 0726772 (NI)
+353 (1) 2370584 (International)