REMINDER: ETS 3.4.6 Go Live information

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Last Updated

Update 22/09/2020

Dear Market Participant, 

Gentle reminder that the new ETS 3.4.6 version go-live is scheduled for 30 September 2020.

ETS 3.4.6 is available in Simulation 2 environment and a member test is taking place today, 22nd of September 2020

If you have any questions with regards to this ETS 3.4.6 release please do not hesitate to contact us

Update 16/09/2020 @ 15:45

Dear Market Participant,

Gentle reminder of the upcoming member test scheduled for Tuesday, 22nd September 2020 for ETS 3.4.6. Please refer below. 

Updated 01/09/2020 @12.30

Dear Market Participant,

The ETS 3.4.6 client can be found here.

If you have any questions with regards to this ETS 3.4.6 release please do not hesitate to contact us

Original Market Message:

Dear Market Participant, 

The new ETS 3.4.6 version go-live is scheduled for 30 September 2020, subject to successful testing, with new functionalities and updates to the ETS API 3.4.6 being made available, all of which are detailed within the SEMOpx Info new ETS 3.4.6.  

ETS 3.4.6 will be available in Simulation 2 environment as of 2 September 2020, with a member test scheduled for 22 September 2020. 

Please find attached the ETS API Package (3.4.6), ETS Client Guide (3.4.6) and ETS Client Installation Guide (3.4.6) as well as the SEMOpx ETS 3.4.6 Information document

Kind regards,

SEMOpx Team