**Reminder** IDA Full Decoupling Scenario Changes
Affected Period
Run Type
Last Updated
Updated message 16/01/2023;
Dear Market Participant,
SEMOpx would like to remind members of the upcoming procedural changes relating to the IntraDay Decoupling scenario's, all of which are due to take effect from 25th January 2023, with the changes explained further below:
- Change 1: Introduction of Partial Decoupling in case of Network Data issues
- Ireland (SEMOpx) could remain coupled with GB (SEMOpx + EPEX + Nord Pool) in case of network data missing on one of the Irish interconnectors.
Ireland (SEMOpx) will decouple from GB (EPEX + Nord Pool) in case of network data missing on both of the Irish interconnectors. In this scenario local auction will run for SEMOpx markets.
- Member test for the scenario of a partial decoupling due to a missing network data from one Irish interconnector on 16 January 2023
- The registration deadline is 11 January 2023.
- Change 2: Introduction of local auctions in case of Full Decoupling for non-network data reasons
- Change 3: New Full Decoupling deadlines (19:15 GMT for SEM IDA1 and 09:45 GMT for SEM IDA2)
- API update here: Max cancellation times for SEM IDA1 and SEM IDA2 updated following the new Full Decoupling deadlines.
Please find the updated SEMOpx Auction Timings and Market Messages document here which references the updated messages and timings associated to the updated procedural changes. Please be aware these changes will not take effect until the go-live date.
Further information relating to these changes can be found within the SEM-GB Procedural Changes document, however, if you do require any further information please direct any queries to info@semopx.com.
Kind regards,
SEMOpx Team