*Reminder* Regular ETS Maintenance + Second Auction lower threshold modification on SEMOpx Single Day-Ahead Coupling
Affected Period
Run Type
Last Updated
Updated Message 12/06/2023;
Dear Member,
The Regular ETS Monthly Maintenance is postponed from 13 June 2023 to 14 June 2023.
On Wednesday, 14 June 2023, the ETS trading system will not be available due to regular maintenance work and update of the Second Auction lower threshold on SEMOpx Single Day-Ahead Coupling from approx. 18:40 BST until 21:30 BST.
During this timeframe, it will not be possible to connect to the ETS Trading System.
- The Second Auction lower threshold will be decreased from -150 Euros/MWh to -500 Euros/MWh. (ROI and NI)
- The Second Auction upper threshold will not be changed.
- The changes will be implemented on 15th June 2023 (first trading day) for delivery 16th June 2023.
- IDA1, IDA2 and IDA3 are not impacted by the change
We kindly request you to also inform your colleagues about this.
Please see here the NEMO committee communication second auction threshold note.
Kind regards,
SEMOpx Team
Updated Message 08/06/2023;
Dear Member,
The Regular ETS Monthly Maintenance is postponed from 13 June 2023 to 14 June 2023.
On Wednesday, 14 June 2023, the ETS trading system will not be available due to regular maintenance work and update of the Second Auction lower threshold on SEMOpx Single Day-Ahead Coupling from approx. 18:40 BST until 21:30 BST.
During this timeframe, it will not be possible to connect to the ETS Trading System.
- The Second Auction lower threshold will be decreased from -150 Euros/MWh to -500 Euros/MWh. (ROI and NI)
- The Second Auction upper threshold will not be changed.
- The changes will be implemented on 15th June 2023 (first trading day) for delivery 16th June 2023.
- IDA1, IDA2 and IDA3 are not impacted by the change
We kindly request you to also inform your colleagues about this.
Kind regards,
SEMOpx Team
Original Message 23/05/2023;
Dear Member,
On Tuesday 30 May 2023, the ETS trading system will not be available due to an ad-hoc maintenance work from approx. 18:40 BST until 21:30 BST.
On Tuesday, 13 June 2023, the ETS trading system will not be available due to regular maintenance work from approx. 18:40 BST until 21:30 BST.
During this timeframe, it will not be possible to connect to the ETS Trading System.
We kindly request you to also inform your colleagues about this.
Kind regards,
SEMOpx Team