Request for Feedback on Multi-Regional Loose Volume Coupling Cost Benefit Analysis

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Last Updated

Note issued on behalf of the Transmission System Operators.

The Trade & Cooperation Arrangement (TCA) between the United Kingdom and the European Union sets out proposed trading arrangements to replace the UK's membership of the Single Day Ahead Coupling (SDAC) market. Annex ENER-4 of the TCA sets out the broad requirement for this new market design, known as Loose Volume Coupling (LVC). Under LVC, the volume and flow of interconnectors between the UK and EU bidding zones directly connected to the UK are determined independently from the pan-EU SDAC market process.

As set out in the TCA, a first step in the development of the LVC solution is the delivery of a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA). Relevant UK and EU TSOs have worked together with their consultancy partners to publish this first stage deliverable which can be found at the link below.

We would like to invite wider stakeholder feedback from across the industry on the published CBA report and the supporting presentation. While the TCA sets out a formal consultation period for the development of technical procedures at a later stage, general industry feedback on the broad design of LVC as set out in the report and presentation is a key first step in the progression of the solution.

Please use the link below to access the CBA and provide your feedback by 16th May 2021.

The following Industry sessions are planned to provide context to the request for feedback:?

  • Tuesday 4 May 2021: EU - EU Industry Forum