SEM Committee consultations SEM-21-026 and SEM-21-027 on the implementation of Article 12 and 13 of the Clean Energy Package, Thursday 01/07/2021

Affected Period



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Last Updated

There was some technical difficulties with the registration link sent in the previous email about this event, please could you use the new registration link below even if you have already registered using the previous link, sorry for any inconvenience.

 Dear Market Participant,

EirGrid and SONI would like to invite interested parties to join a workshop being held pursuant to the SEM Committee consultations SEM-21-026 and SEM-21-027 on the implementation of Article 12 and 13 of the Clean Energy Package. An agenda will be issued closer to the date of the workshop. The details of this session are as follows:


When: Thursday 01/07/2021

What time: 10:30 - 12:30.

Where: Webinar through Microsoft Teams (with dial in details available).


Please register your interest in attending by close of business Tuesday 29/06/2021, as webinar and dial in details will only be issued to those that have registered. The slides will be added to the TSOs' websites following the event.

Registration is available here


Please contact Brendan.O' or if you have any queries in regard to registration.