SEMOpx Auction: DST23 Member Tests
Affected Period
12/03/2019 & 22/03/2019
Run Type
Last Updated
Update 21/03/2019 @ 11:57
The ETS API endpoint and version has been corrected in the DST information note in advance of the second DST test tomorrow 22/03/2019.
Update 19/03/2019 @ 14:30
A reminder that the second DST test is scheduled for 22/03/2019. An information notice regarding the retrieval of market results for specific blocks has been published.
Update 11/03/2019 @ 17:25
This is to remind you that the first DST test is scheduled tomorrow 12/03/2019.
At the end of the test, Members are requested to send an e-mail to & confirming participation and outcome (successful or not successful), particularly API users.
Note, for members who cannot participate tomorrow 12/03/2019, there is an additional DST test session scheduled on 22/03/2019.
Update 07/03/2019 @ 16:00
ETS API DST23 sample requests available here
ETS DST23 Market Results sample file available here
If you have any questions on this briefing note or the sample files please contact us
Original Message 07/03/2019 @ 10:00
To prepare for the Summer Daylight Saving Time (DST 23, Short Clock Change) in the night of Saturday 30 March to Sunday 31 March 2019, two test sessions relative to the DST 23 will be scheduled in the ETS simulation environment.
These tests are optional but participation is strongly advised, especially for members using API access. Members using the ETS client are advised to participate and familiarize themselves with the DST order submission and market result format. There is no registration needed to participate in the DST tests. You will simply need to connect to the simulation environment and place your bids.
Description of DST 23 order submission and market results with ETS 3.2.1 is available in this information note.
ETS API DST23 behavior description and sample requests will be provided.