SEMOpx Continuous: M7 6.7 Information Notice

Affected Period



Run Type


Last Updated

Update 09/09/2019

The release of  M7 6.7 will be progressed tomorrow 10/09/2019, unavailability as outlined in this market message

Please be advised that the password policy for ComTrader will not be changed during tomorrow's outage, therefore passwords will not expire.

 SEMOpx will provide a further update to members if this password policy change will be implemented with a future M7 release. 

If you have any queries on this communication please contact us.

Update 11/07/2019

The release of  M7 6.7 has been postponed. Implementation was in planning for early Q3 2019, but is now expected to be late Q3 2019. The exact date will be confirmed nearer the time.

Update 26/06/2019

In response to queries from some members, we would like to clarify the following in relation to the password policy change due with the release of M7 V6.7:

Please be advised that the countdown for the 90 day expiry will commence from the first date that the M7 user logs in post M7 V6.7 release

We hope that this will allow members to manage their expected expiration dates and reset the password in advance of this.

If you have any further queries please let us know.

Original Message 20/06/2019

The new M7 6.7 release is due to go live in Q3 2019 (calendar year; early Q3 is expected). 

SEMOpx members should be advised, that the only impact for SEMOpx members is a password policy change: 

  • Passwords will expire every 90 days
  • Passwords must be 12 characters
  • Members can reset them any time before expiry via the ComTrader login screen to reset the 90 day countdown.
  • Email will be sent 10 days before expiration to remind each user.
  • If a password expires, an email with a reset link will be sent.

The above policy change only affects production trading account users, both Report users and ASIM are excluded.

The new ComTrader release is optional for SEMOpx members, however we would always recommend to use the latest version.

(Some SEMOpx members are members on EPEXSPOT Markets and will have received the EPEX SPOT notice regarding the M7 6.7 release. Please be advised that the new functionality detailed therein 'Automatic Order Transfer' is not  applicable for SEMOpx.) 

If you have any queries on this release please contact us.