SEMOpx Intraday: M7 6.13 Release Information
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Dear Member,
We are pleased to inform you about the upcoming M7 6.13 release, which will increase performance as well as stability and includes some API changes.
The go-live date is scheduled for 13th September, subject to successful testing. This release also includes a new mandatory ComTrader version 6.13 which will be available prior to go-live and will be announced separately.
Beside the new M7 6.13 Release we are glad to announce an additional M7 Simulation Environment called “XSIM” (eXisting Simulation Environment) which will improve the testing experience for members as it guarantees production like testing environment even if a new release is deployed in ASIM (Advanced Simulation Environment).
Please be aware that links to the updated API package will be provided in due course.
Kind regards,