SEMOpx - M7 6.10 available in Advanced Simulation. Production Go-live: 081220
Affected Period
Sim available now, Go Live: 8th December 2020
Run Type
Last Updated
Updated Market Message 091120
We are pleased to inform you about the go-live date of the new M7 6.10 release, which is scheduled for 8th December 2020, subject to successful testing.
This new release includes the following new functionalities:
• Indication of contract closure functionality in ComTrader
• Reduction of the time period for which trades can be retrieved with one single request, from 24 (25 hours for long clock change day) to 7 hours, to optimize the M7 performance
• Simplification of the Trade Recall process thanks to optimized internal functionalities.
For more information about these features, please refer to the details below:
· M7 6.10 go-live on 08 December 2020
· Market Trial phase: still ongoing in Advanced Simulation, will last until production go-live
· New mandatory ComTrader version 6.10
· Update: M7 password expiration will not be activated with M7 6.10
· API changes: all API schemas affected
o New DFS180 API specifications and XSD file
o Trades retrieval time period change from 25 to 7 hours maximum per request
o Order Request enables to retrieve Remote Unknown order
o ComTrader General “Send Message” new panel in ASIM: test API messages
o Bug fixes
Please note: Contrary to what has been announced previously, we will not activate the password expiration with M7 6.10.
The exact maintenance window timings on the go-live date will be communicated in due time together with the download link for the new mandatory ComTrader 6.10 production version.
Please note that we advise using the ComTrader standalone client, for best performance and stability, as well as simplifying your processes for future updates, which may not support your local JAVA version.
We strongly recommend our members to revise their API implementation and modify it accordingly, if required.
Updated Market Message 06/11/20
As advised on yesterday’s participant call we regret to inform you that the upcoming go-live of the new M7 6.10 version, that was due to take place on 10th November 2020, is postponed until further notice.
However, we can confirm that the updated version of M7 6.10 remains available in the simulation environment, allowing participants to familiarise themselves with the system improvements.
We will communicate a new go-live date as soon as possible.
Updated Market Message 09/10/20
Gentle reminder that M7 6.10 is available in Advanced Simulation. The production go-live date has been confirmed as Tuesday, 10th November 2020.
Please note that SEMOpx Information Document has been updated to remove the Trade Recall process as it is not applicable to SEMOpx.
Original Market Message 08/10/20
Dear Member,
To follow up on our initial communication sent on 20 August, please be informed that the go-live in production of the new M7 6.10 release is planned for November 2020 (subject to successful testing and implementation).
This release will include the following new functionalities
- activation of M7 password expiration
- indication of contract closure functionality in ComTrader
- reduction of the time period for which executed public and private trades can be retrieved with one single request, from 24 (25 hours for long clock change day) to 7 hours, to optimize the M7 performance.
Furthermore, the Trade Recall process will be simplified thanks to optimized internal functionalities.
We strongly recommend our members to revise their API implementation and modify it accordingly, if required. The member testing phase is now available.
Please note that we advise using the ComTrader standalone client, for best performance and stability, as well as simplifying your processes for future updates, which may not support your local JAVA version.
The attached documentation will provide you with more details to the new functionalities and improvements.
There has also been a change in production to the subject lines of emails sent from OMM. Attached is a presentation explaining in detail, along with examples, what these codes will be and how the codes are constructed.
Kind regards,
SEMOpx Team