SEMOpx monthly report for August 2022

Affected Period



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Last Updated

Dear Member,

The SEMOpx August 2022 monthly report can be found here.

The key market statistics are: 

  • Traded  volume (GWh) is down 2% in August 2022 compared to August 2021 and is 2% higher than July 2022.
  • Traded value (€) is up 188% in comparison to August 2021 and registered a 48% increase compared last month.
  • DAM average price is 195% higher in August 2022 compared to August 2021 and 45% more than July 2022.
  • In summary, low wind, continued high gas prices, limited electricity imports and forced outages at a number of generators are the main drivers behind the high figures reported in August both for traded value and DAM average price despite no significant change in terms of traded volume with previous periods.

If you require more detailed information please see our current Ex-Ante Market look back dataset which is available from the SEMOpx website. This dataset is regularly updated with historical price and volume information for all the SEM Ex-Ante markets. For dataset containing information from go live to Dec 2020 please see here.

Kind regards,