SEMOpx Monthly Report for December 2022

Affected Period



Run Type


Last Updated

Dear Member, 

The SEMOpx December Monthly Report is now available and can be found here.

Here are the market insights and trends:

  • Traded volumes increased in line with normal seasonal fluctuations.
  • Traded volumes remained 1% higher than last year YTD.
  • The average DAM price (~ Euros 277/MWh) was 94% higher than the previous month due to record high demand within the month coupled with limited wind generation and increasing gas prices. Average DAM price was up 10% for the same period last year.
  • Traded volumes were similar to the same period last year.

If you require more detailed information please see our current Ex-Ante Market look back dataset which is available from the SEMOpx website. This dataset is regularly updated with historical price and volume information for all the SEM Ex-Ante markets.

Kind regards, 

SEMOpx Team