SEMOpx: *Reminder* Ad-hoc ETS Trading System Maintenance on 24 June 2024 (ETS 3.8.1 Go-live 25th of June 2024 First Trading Date)
Affected Period
Run Type
Last Updated
Updated Message 24/06/2024;
Dear Member,
Today, 24 June 2024, the ETS trading system will not be available due to an ad-hoc maintenance work from approx. 21:35 BST until 00:30 BST.
During this timeframe, it will not be possible to connect to the ETS Trading System.
New ETS features:
- Enhanced Reasonable Control Parameters
- Scalable Complex Order submission Restriction update:
Future status (ETS 3.8.1): ETS will NOT allow a Scalable Complex Order to be submitted if all the mandatory values are entered with “0”
API changes:
- API schema 3.5 will exceptionally be maintained, migration to a higher schema is suggested but not mandatory
- Linear order responses now indicate with a warning orders not being “reasonable”
- New API schema 3.8.1
Minor impact: removal of the unnecessary AsynchronousResponseHeader
For members using the Fixed version, the new version ETS 3.8.1 must be installed.
We kindly request you to also inform your colleagues about this.
Kind regards,
SEMOpx Team
Original Message 19/06/2024;
Dear Member,
On Monday, 24 June 2024,
the ETS trading system will not be available due to an ad-hoc maintenance work from approx.
21:35 BST until 00:30 BST.
During this timeframe, it will not be possible to connect to the ETS Trading
We kindly request you to also inform your colleagues about this.
Kind regards,
SEMOpx Team