SEMOpx REMIT Reporting

Affected Period



Run Type


Last Updated

Update 09/04/2019

Dear Members,

SEMOpx would like to advise members that REMIT reporting to ACER has continued successfully since our last update on 16th January 2019.

SEMOpx previously advised that REMIT files would be published on the SEMOpx website. SEMOpx are progressing a website change request such that REMIT reports will be published to a static file library daily, on a D+2 basis. (REMIT reports are reported to ACER on a D+1 basis.)

As an interim measure, while the website change request is progressed, SEMOpx are taking the following approach to the publication of REMIT files on the SEMOpx website:

(1) SEMOpx have published REMIT files in monthly zip folders in the document library, for Auctions and Continuous Markets.

October 2018 - Auctions, Continuous

November 2018 - Auctions, Continuous

December 2018 - Auctions, Continuous

January 2019 – Auctions, Continuous

February 2019 – Auctions, Continuous

March 2019 – Auctions, Continuous

(2) SEMOpx will publish REMIT files on a weekly basis to a ‘monthly’ zip folder under General Publications. Details on the publication timelines for the next few weeks are provided below:

- Friday 12th April, SEMOpx will publish the April 2019 folders including REMIT files for delivery dates 1st to 5th April

- Tuesday 23rd April (Good Friday and Easter Monday, non-working days), SEMOpx will add to the April 2019 folders the REMIT files for delivery dates 6th to 12th April

- Friday 26th April, SEMOpx will add to the April 2019 folders the REMIT files for delivery dates 13th to 19th April

- Friday 3rd May, SEMOpx will add to the April 2019 folders the REMIT files for delivery dates 20th to 26th April

- Friday 10th May, SEMOpx will add to the April 2019 folders the REMIT files for delivery dates 27th to 30th April. SEMOpx will also publish the May 2019 folders including REMIT files for delivery dates 1st to 3rd May.

This publication activity will continue on a weekly basis, until SEMOpx advise that the change request has been implemented and files will then be published to a static report library.

If you have any questions on this communication please contact us

Update 16/01/2019

Dear Members,


SEMOpx would like to advise Members that the retrospective reporting of the remaining REMIT files for delivery dates 21/11/2018 through to 08/01/2019 is complete. Dates from go live 01/10/2018 through to 15/01/2019 are now accounted for. SEMOpx will continue to report to ACER on D+1 basis going forward.


SEMOpx previously advised that the REMIT files would be published on the SEMOpx website, no less than one week from the last delivery date in the date range for publication. This process has not yet commenced. SEMOpx will issue a further Market Message when the publication of SEMOpx REMIT files to the SEMOpx website has commenced.


Should Members have any queries on this, please contact

Original Message 14/01/2019

Dear Member,                     


Automated SEMOpx REMIT reporting to ACER commenced on Wednesday 09/01/2019 (and continues today) for Members that opted in to the REMIT reporting service.


For delivery dates 01/10/2018 through to 20/11/2018, REMIT reports have been backfilled to the ACER platform. SEMOpx are in the process of manually submitting the remaining files (21/11/2018 through to 08/01/2019). (SEMOpx will provide a further update to Members when this backfill has been completed.)


SEMOpx previously advised that the REMIT files would be published on the SEMOpx website, no less than one week from the last delivery date in the date range for publication. This process has not yet commenced. SEMOpx will issue a further Market Message when the publication of SEMOpx REMIT files to the SEMOpx website has commenced.


Kind regards,