SEMOpx: Update in REMIT Reporting: Closed

Affected Period
September 2019 to February 2020



Run Type


Last Updated

Update: 28/02/2020

REMIT Continuous Files

The backlog of REMIT continuous files has been completed. Normal D+1 submission of REMIT continuous files has been occurring since 29/01/2020.

The December and January REMIT continuous files were made available on our website.

SEMOpx will continue to publish the February REMIT continuous files on the SEMOpx website each Friday for the previous week. The February REMIT continuous files up to 21/02/2020 were made available today.

The list of impacted dates and status has been updated in this list.


For awareness, SEMOpx has provided ACER with an update in relation to the above. This is compliant with the ACER incident and resolution reporting requirements. 

Update: 14/02/2020

REMIT Auction Files

The backlog of REMIT auction files has been completed and the normal D+1 submission of REMIT auction files has been occurring since 16th January 2020.

As a reminder, SEMOpx will continue to publish the files on the SEMOpx website each Friday for the previous week. The February REMIT Auctions files up to 07/02/2020 were made available in this zip file today.

REMIT Continuous Files

The remaining backlog of REMIT continuous files for December 2019 and January 2020 is continuing to be processed and submitted to ACER. 

The December 2019 and January 2020 REMIT Continuous zip files will be made available on the SEMOpx website when the successful submission of the full months files to ACER has been completed. 

SEMOpx will provide a further status update in due course. The list of impacted dates and status has been updated in this list. 

For awareness, SEMOpx continue to provide ACER with weekly progress updates regarding the resolution of the issues we have experienced. This is compliant with the ACER incident and resolution reporting requirements. 

Update: 29/01/20

The submission of the backlog of December REMIT Auctions data to ACER for reporting date 04/12/2019 onwards has been fully completed.  All December REMIT Auctions files are available in a REMIT December Auctions zip file on the SEMOpx website.

The submission of the backlog of January REMIT Auctions data to ACER for reporting dates 01/01/2020 through to 15/01/2020 has been completed; the regular submission to ACER on a D+1 basis resumed from 16/01/2020 onwards.  The January REMIT Auction files up to 21/01/2020 are available in a zip file on the SEMOpx website. (This zip file will be updated this Friday and next Friday with the January REMIT Auction files for the previous weeks).

The backlog of December and January REMIT Continuous Data is in the process of being submitted to ACER. The December and January REMIT Continuous files will be made available in separate REMIT December Continuous and REMIT January Continuous zip files on the SEMOpx website. SEMOpx will provide a further status update in due course. The list of impacted dates and  status has been updated in this list.  

Update: 17/01/20

The submission of the backlog of November REMIT Continuous Data to ACER has been completed. All November REMIT Continuous files are available in a REMIT November Continuous zip file on the SEMOpx website.

The backlog of December REMIT Continuous Data is in the process of being submitted to ACER. The December REMIT Continuous files will be made available in a REMIT December Continuous zip file on the SEMOpx website. SEMOpx will provide a further status update in due course.

The separate technical issue encountered with the submission of the December REMIT Auctions data to ACER for reporting date 04/12/2019 onwards has been resolved from reporting date 05/12/2019 onwards.  The backlog of December REMIT Auctions Data is in the process of being submitted to ACER. The December REMIT Auction files that have been submitted are available in a REMIT December Auctions zip file on the SEMOpx website. SEMOpx will provide a further status update on the remaining files, and the file for reporting date 04/12/2019 in due course.

The list of impacted dates and  status has been updated in this list.  

Yesterday, the 16/01/2020 the regular submission of REMIT Auctions and Continuous Data returned to the expected D+1 basis, with files submitted on time for reporting date 15/01/2020.

Update: 20/12/19

The submission of  the backlog of October REMIT Continuous Data to ACER has been completed. All October REMIT Continuous files are available in a REMIT October Continuous zip file on the SEMOpx website.

The backlog of November REMIT Continuous Data is in the process of being submitted to ACER. The November REMIT Continuous files that have been submitted are available in a REMIT November Continuous zip file on the SEMOpx website.  The remaining backlog of  November and December REMIT Continuous Data is being progressed and SEMOpx will provide a further status update in due course.

The separate technical issue encountered with the submission of the December REMIT Auctions data to ACER for reporting date 04/12/2019 onwards continues to be investigated. SEMOpx will provide a further update in due course.

The list of impacted dates and  status has been updated in this list.

Update: 16/12/19

The backlog of  October REMIT Continuous Data is in the process of being submitted to ACER. The dates that have been reported are available in the October REMIT Continuous zip file on the SEMOpx website. The remaining  backlog  (for October, November & December reporting dates) are being  progressed and SEMOpx will provide a further status update in due course. 

A separate technical issue has been encountered that is delaying the submission of December REMIT Auctions data to ACER for reporting date 04/12/2019 onwards.  SEMOpx are investigating and will provide a further update in due course. 

The list of impacted dates and  status has been updated in this list.

Update: 06/11/19

The technical issues related to REMIT files have been partially resolved.

For issue 1, the backlog of  September REMIT Continuous Data has now been submitted to ACER and is available in the September REMIT Continuous zip file on the SEMOpx website. Further work is continuing on resolution of the issue with the October REMIT continuous data and a further update will be provided  in due course.

For issue 2, the backlog of October REMIT Auction Data has been submitted to ACER and is available in the October REMIT Auction zip file on the SEMOpx website.  

The list of impacted dates and their status has been updated in this list.

Original Message: 23/10/19

Technical issues have been encountered which have led to delays in REMIT Data reporting for dates in September and October 2019.

SEMOpx have notified ACER of the issues being experienced and we are working to resolve the issues and submit the missing data as soon as possible.

Details of the issues and the anticipated resolution times are provided below:

1)     Continuous REMIT Data, for dates in September and October 2019.

While the September reports are likely to be submitted in the next few days, the October files require further work with the issue unlikely to be resolved for another 2 weeks.

2)     Auction REMIT Data for dates from the 6th October 2019 onward.

Resolution to this issue is expected in the next few days.

The impacted dates can be found in this list. 

We will provide an update on the status as resolutions are implemented and reporting to ACER has been completed