SEMOpx Website Enhancements

Affected Period



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Last Updated

Dear Member, 

SEMOpx have recently released some enhancements to the SEMOpx website that may be of benefit to users of the site. 

The enhancements are as follows:

  • REMIT and Static Reports are now downloadable, with options to “filter” or download “all” now available.  
Users will now be able to select a range of dates and download the list of the reports that fall within those dates. There is no restrictions on this range, therefore a list of all published reports can be selected if the range is selected. The download will be available in .csv format

  • IDA values converted from MW to MWh
This will ensure the SEMOpx website data found on our Market Results webpage is consistent with industry standard, volumes are displayed in MWh, ensuring the units of measure are clear. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us at should you have any questions. 

Kind Regards,

SEMOpx Team