Settlement Calendar Update

Affected Period



Run Type


Last Updated

Dear Participants

SEMO wish to advise participants that an updated settlement calendar has been published with a start date of 12.09.2022.

This is to make the below amendments due to the announcement that Monday 19th September will be a NI/UK Bank Holiday for the Queen’s Funeral.

The MO Invoices will be published as normal tomorrow 13.09.2022 with the below payment date amendments

MO Payments in 20.09.2022 to 21.09.2022

MO Payments out 21.09.2022 to 22.09.2022

Indicative 16th/17th/18th statement publications will move from 19.09.2022 to 20.09.2022

Initial 12th statement publications will move from 19.09.2022 to 20.09.2022

Settlement Documents due for publication on 23.09.2022 will move to 26.09.2022

With payments in moving from 28.09.2022 to 29.09.2022 and payments out from 29.09.2022 to 30.09.2022

Kind regards

SEMO Settlements