Settlement Documents

Affected Period
13/10/2019 - 19/10/2019



Run Type


Last Updated

Update 25/10/2019 12:52pm

As per the participant call this morning - Initial and M+4 Settlement Documents due for publication by 12:00pm today will be rescheduled for publication on Tuesday 29th October 2019 by 12:00pm.  

An updated Settlement Calendar will be published today to reflect this change in publication schedule.  This will include updates for Payment In and Payment Out Due Dates.

Original Message:

SEMO would like to advise participants that there will be a delay with the publishing of Initial and M+4 Settlement Documents due by 12:00pm tomorrow.   As a result payment due dates will be adjusted accordingly.

As communicated in this morning's participant call this is due to system issues which are currently impacting publication timelines.

A further update will be provided on the participant call which is to be arranged for 09:30am tomorrow.