Template for MWP calculation following MOD_34_18

Affected Period



Run Type


Last Updated

Dear Market Participant,

To fulfill an action for Trading and Settlement Code Modification MOD_34_18, SEMO has published, at the following link, a template for calculating the difference between the Make-Whole Payments as they have been calculated using the settlement systems to date, and what they would be with the same inputs but under the modified text of the Code. There are instructions on how to use it contained within, an example also provided in a separate sheet, and SEMO will facilitate a session to go through how to use the template in the coming weeks. Further amendments to include changes derived from Mod_07_19 will be included in due course. If you have any queries, please mail info@sem-o.com

MOD_34_18 Analysis Using Participant Reports Template

 Kind regards,

Modifications Committee Secretariat