Update - Dispute Notification

Affected Period



Run Type


Last Updated

Update on 09/01/2019:

SEMO can confirm that the disputes raised for this period have been upheld. There were two main issues impacting these dates:


1.       Dispatch Instructions for a number of generator units were not correctly applied within imbalance pricing, impacting 22nd to 29th December 2018; and

2.       Manifest errors relating to open system defects presented at a recent Market Operator User Group (MOUG). Additional information on this topic can be located in the following market message (here). This applies to the full disputed period, 20th to 31st December 2018.


Further information on these disputes and associated re-pricing that may be required will be communicated at the next scheduled MOUG, on 17th January 2019.

Original Message issued on 02/01/2019:

Dear Participants,

As per Agreed Procedure 14 section 3.1 the Market Operator would like to notify all Market Participants that Formal Pricing Disputes have been received for Trading dates from the 20th of December 2018 until the 31st of December 2018 inclusive.  All Market Participants will be potentially impacted by these Disputes. The Market Operator will keep participants informed on the progress of these Disputes and provide further information when available.

Kind regards,

Market Operations