**Update** FMOC Invoice published on Nov 15th included the incorrect CMOAU and CMOAV rates for ROI and NI market participants

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Last Updated

Message update 05/03/2024;

Dear Market Participant,

All manual FMOC invoices have been issued via email. Please refer to the invoice for payment amounts and dates.

If you have any further queries or questions, please contact us at info@sem-o.com

Kind Regards,

SEMO Settlements

Message update 28/02/2024;

Dear Market Participant,

As per update provided at the recent MOUG of 25th January, 2024 : https://www.sem-o.com/documents/general-publications/Market-Operator-User-Group-25-January-2024.pdf, SEMO Settlements intend to issue a manual Market Operator invoice to market participants to resolve the October 2022 MO invoice rate issue. The invoice will be in a PDF format (with the same contents and layout as a standard MO Monthly invoice) and will be emailed out to impacted market participants on Tuesday, 5th March 2024.

The PDF invoice will detail the payment due from (or to) SEMO based on the difference between the incorrect CMOAU and CMOAV FMOC rates used in the October 2022 invoice and the corrected rates. The invoice will include expected payment details due from (or to) SEMO which are in line with standard MO Operator invoice payment timelines from the date of issuance of the manual invoice. Settlement Reallocations (SRAs) are also dealt with for market participants who have SRA arrangements in place. 

A further update will be provided on this market message on the weekly market participant call on Thursday, 29th February.

If you have any further queries or questions, please contact us at info@sem-o.com

Kind Regards,

SEMO Settlements

Message update 09/03/2023;

Dear Market Participants

While we continue to explore options of how to fix this issue, we regrettably will have to delay the publication of the M+4 MO invoice for the period of October 2022 that was due for publication on Tuesday 14th March. Delaying this invoice will allow time to test an approach that our vendor has presented. Due to testing environment limitations and to allow for Release K testing, we do not have a set time for when we can further update on the M+4 MO invoice publication timelines or when the corrected FMOC Invoice for October 2022 will be available.

The M+4 MO Invoice calendar entry and payment dates have been removed from the latest settlement calendar.

Any further Updates will be communicated accordingly. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Kind Regards

SEMO Settlements

Message update 21/11/2022; 

Dear Market Participant,

SEMO Settlements continue to explore options to resolve the recent MO FMOC invoice issue and will provide further updates as soon as they are available.

As noted in the original market message issued, please continue to make payments on the MO Invoice amounts published on the 15/11/2022.

Kind regards,

SEMO Settlements


Original message 18/11/2022; 

Dear Market Participant,

Please be advised that the FMOC Invoice for October 2022, published on the 15/11/2022, included the incorrect CMOAU (Generator rate) and CMOAV (Supplier rate) for ROI and NI market participants.

CMOAU was incorrectly set to €109/MW (instead of the correct rate of €55/MW) , and CMOAV was incorrectly set to €55/Unit (instead of the correct rate of €109/MW).

SEMO Settlements are currently looking into this issue and will provide further updates on Monday 21st November.

In the meantime, please continue to make payments as normal on the MO Invoices published on the 15/11/2022.

SEMO would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

If you do have any queries/concerns, please contact us at info@sem-o.com

Kind regards,

SEMO Settlements